The Ten Commandments

Listen as Pastor Decker delivers this multi-week series fully exploring The Ten Commandments - the background, the context, their purpose and their application to the Christian life. In the study of the commandments, God's character and his desire for his people is revealed.

Part 1: Background.

Part 2: Introduction

Part 3: This commandment is the first of four commandments that deal with our relationship with God - vertical commandments, so to speak.

Part 4: 

Part 5: 

Part 6: This commandment and all that follow deal with our relationships with men - our horizontal relationships.

Part 7: 

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

Part 11:

Part 12:

Part 13:

Part 14:

Part 15:

Part 16:

Part 17:

Part 18:

Sincere Saints in a Secular Society

We can all agree that we live in a society today that encourages belief in one's self (Secularism) rather than belief in a Holy God. In this sermon series, Pastor Decker explores the various aspects and challenges of being a Christian in today's culture.  

Part 1: Are You a Sincere Saint? In this sermon, Pastor Decker defines, admonishes and encourages sincerity among the saints. If we are going to be in the world but not of the world, our mindset must be the mindset of God--we must not be concerned with political correctness but Biblical correctness.